Top 13 tips for keeping your home freshly scented

One of many people’s home concerns is that we want it to smell fresh, warm and be inviting for both ourselves and guests. Given our hectic lifestyles these days and how packed our homes tend to be, this isn’t always an easy feat. Follow our top tips to refresh your living space and feel comfortable in the place you call your own!

Daily Diffuser

One of the easiest ways to achieve a quick cleansing of the air indoors is by using a trusty diffuser. You can get ones that are refills, or you can use the original form of reed diffusers in whichever scent suits your space! Lavender and orange are relaxing, pine for an outdoorsy freshness, vanilla for a lively & energising scent while pear, apple or thyme will help improve appetites.

Top 13 tips for keeping your home freshly scented Home Hacks
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