This old lady complains about noises during the night. While seeing this picture, her blood turned to ice
While this single middle age woman was complaning since a while of noises and cracks during the night, her friends and her never found the source of theses noises. One day while she was taking an innocent picture of her living room, her blood turned to ice when she understood what was going on.
This bloodcurdling face hidden behind the sofa is in fact the face of Sousanna Dinovitch, a 38 years-old woman suffering of severe mental disorders. She escaped from a psychiatric hospital where she was commited in 2002, hospital located very close to Irina Ivanov’s house. After seeing the picture, the old lady warned her friends and the police who intervene a short time after. After a meticulous search of the huge mansion, they found Sousanna hidden in the house’s cellar. She was there since a few weeks, looking for a shelter and for food. Hopefully, Mrs. Ivanov didn’t have any trouble but surely had the fright of her lifetime !