These Foods Made In China Will Turn Your Stomach

The biggest world exporter of food products, China is ahead of the United States and Germany on the global economic scale.

China has managed to achieve this by following the practice of having the lowest price possible to sell the most.

It is because of this business plan that China is often caught up in scandals such as bird flu, selling toxic toys and selling contaminated rice.

Some of the foods from china that you will find in restaurants and in supermarkets could actually make up very sick so be careful!   

Intoxication By Rice

A portion of fried rice that you order in a restaurant usually doesn't contain more that 11% protein and sometimes you get parts of the meat you weren't expecting!

Lots of people during the 70's in England were poisoned after eating egg fried rice that had developed the bacteria bacillus cereus which remained in the rice even after boiling it.

This clearly shows that not all rice that is imported comes from a reliable source, always pay attention to where your food comes from!

These Foods Made In China Will Turn Your Stomach Quotes
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