These Are The Biggest Turn Offs For Men That Makes Women Unattractive- You Won’t Believe Some Of These

Attraction is something that is out of our control and is solely dependent on how a person of the opposite sex views us. There are ways that we can perceive ourselves to others which can give the illusion of attractiveness by the way we dress and act around others. You may be trying your hardest to impress someone that you are attracted to, but this effort may be hampering your chances and come off as unattractive to them. You may not even realize the actions that you are doing or the way that you look, but they pay attention to this and form an image of you that they will either like or dislike.

Ladies can go out of their way to catch the eye of an ideal partner, but maybe doing this is the reason that suitors are turning you down. So before you get ghosted by another man, you need to see what are the biggest turn offs for men. If any of these are sounding like you, you might be unattractive to them. These will make you think twice.

Playing Hard To Get

These Are The Biggest Turn Offs For Men That Makes Women Unattractive- You Won't Believe Some Of These Quotes

This one has been a woman’s secret tactic when dealing with men for years and you’ll be shocked to learn that it doesn’t work. How many of you have tried this tactic of coming across as cold and distant when talking to a guy you are attracted to? The general view from women is that this is supposed to make the man crave their attention even more. But the sad reality is that they will lose interest themselves and move onto the next girl who actually shows them attention.

You are making a mistake not making time for him and run the risk of losing him for good. This mind game is seen as immature and aren’t willing to get to know him properly which will make him see no future for the two of you. This is an easy way to lose a guy, so steer clear of it. This next one is the biggest turnoff for men.

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