The 20 Most Freaky Spiders Ever!
Little beasts never go for prey that is bigger than them, and this is certainly true when it comes to spiders: while most of us are terrified of these little creatures, they are generally harmless!
For example, wasps are responsible for much more hospital visits than spiders!
The problem that is facing us now is that more and more spiders are coming into our homes as a result of global warming and deforestation!
However sometimes our fears are justified, the spiders that follow in this list are actually very dangerous: as you will see they are all more terrifying than the next!
Watch Out For the Poecilotheria When You Are Walking in Sri Lanka
This species of tarantula is about the size of a human face which has evolved in forests and disused buildings (also because of deforestation) has not been known about for a long time, but despite this it is really venomous and very fast: it's bite while it is not fatal does provoke numbness, fever and nausea and at worst you can lose consciousness.