He Looks at His Parents’ 1953 Wedding Video and Notices Something Special. He Has a Brainwave

Our parents’ wedding videos are often source of nostalgia and make us dreaming.

An american man watched his parents’ wedding video from 1953, and he noticed something really special.

He then had a touching idea…

Joel Smith is the son of Joe and Beverly Smith. He says that his parents had a 1948 Plymouth convertible as their first car and couldn’t stop talking about their favorite car even years after.

For their 60th wedding anniversary, Joe and Beverly invited about fifty members of their family for dinner. For the occasion, someone had found a video of their wedding in 1953. The 1948 Plymouth was in the video, decorated with “Just Married” signs and the traditional cans hanging at the back. Everybody was saying how great it would be if they had the car again…

He Looks at His Parents' 1953 Wedding Video and Notices Something Special. He Has a Brainwave Quotes
Source : spotlightstories.co
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