22 Tricks to Clean Your House in a Hurry – #4 Helps Us Every Time!

Unless you’re a cleaning junkie, you fall clearly into the chore-phobic category of the everyday person. Housework is the bane of our existence, and no amount of putting it off really lessens the load for us, because we know that eventually it will be need to cleaned up. Given cleaning will be part of our lives forever, and if we don’t manage to make it big and hire the help, isn’t it time we found a way to get over this and make the most of the time? Our 22 ways to clean up quick will make life an absolute (Fe)breeze!

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

Always start with a plan of attack. Where are you starting the cleaning session? Put the rooms in order of what you are going to do first to last. Checklists are so satisfying.

3. Cut Yourself Off

Give yourself a deadline so that you don’t get caught in a time warp and end up spending ages pottering around. If you set a time limit per room you will push yourself to get it done more.

22 Tricks to Clean Your House in a Hurry - #4 Helps Us Every Time! Quotes

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