You don’t need to do an enormous haul to alter your home significantly. A really easy and affordable way to make a big change is with a paint job! A tin of paint can rejig old furniture, restore vividness and life to your entire home and really change the ambiance of a place. Take our word, and these tips!
Our lives can get pretty hectic and it’s easy to let things get a bit messy at home when you…
If industrial household products are bad for the skin and leave an unpleasant smell in the house, it’s because their…
Unless you’re a cleaning junkie, you fall clearly into the chore-phobic category of the everyday person. Housework is the bane…
If there’s one thing the Swedes know, it’s how to decorate and organise the interior of a house. Ikea is…
A few novelty accessories can liven up any boring old kitchen and make cooking time a whole lot more fun…
Are you tired of wasting food? With more than 1 billion tonnes of food being thrown away each year, everyone…