15 Phenomenons That Science Still Can’t Explain, The Fifth One Is Shocking!

Science really let's us explain a lot! However, sometimes strange things occur that even scientists can't make sense of.

Psychic powers, strange sensations, supernatural experiences ... nobody knows why they happen! 

Here are 15 phenomenons that remain unsolved by science!  

Near Death Experience

A near death experience occurs when someone that is clinically dead comes back to life.

This usually happens after comas or serious accidents.

The people who have experienced this have described the sensation of leaving their bodies and floating just above them.

People also talk about a tunnel with white light in the middle and experiencing incredible physical sensations which are beyond description.

It's a debated subject among scientists, but there is nothing official which describes this experience.

15 Phenomenons That Science Still Can't Explain, The Fifth One Is Shocking! Quotes
Source: ponzaracconta.it

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