14 Tricks That Prove You Can Make Life Easier

The little things in our day accumulate to make or break our day. Whether you’re a super freak for organisation or need to get more prep skills in your life, here are 14 ways to make your everyday go smoother.

1. Coil Spring For Cables

If you constantly find your chargers or headphones in a knot, use the spring from inside an old pen to wrap around the cable and they won’t be able to get twisted ever again.

2. Microwave Leftover Pizza with Water

To stop any doughy foods going too soft, add a glass of water into the microwave while heating it up. Because nobody likes soggy pizza, and bready foods like this often suffer from reheating badly. Obviously make sure the glass is safe for the microwave!

14 Tricks That Prove You Can Make Life Easier Quotes
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