12 Tips to Meals That Will Get You Through Any Hangover Fears

The exhausting list of after-effects of a regrettably heavy night drinking include headaches, sickness, dehydration, tiredness, irritability and paranoia. Although only time can truly kick a bad hangover, there are a number of good food choices which people can make to help speed up that process and alleviate those symptoms. Here are 12 solid meal tips to help you deal the morning after the night of boozing.

1. You Need Fructose

Honey and fruit have lots of the stuff, which helps your liver more readily metabolize the alcohol in your body, thus ending the hangover period faster. Woop woop!

10. Eat Little and Often

After your night of alcoholic overindulgence, the temptation might be to gorge the next day on everything in sight. A better strategy, however, would be to eat small and often to help your body gradually recover and process all the toxins.

12 Tips to Meals That Will Get You Through Any Hangover Fears Quotes
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