12 practical tips that all lazy people need to know about cleaning

Whether you’re a man or a woman, sometimes cleaning has never been and never will be your cup of tea, right? From removing the hair in the shower drain, to deep cleaning the oven or just putting the cutlery in the dishwasher, all of this is just a waste of time for you and just thinking about it makes you tired. Discover our 12 practical and effective tips to make these tasks less painful that you’ll almost want to clean your house everyday!

Magic combo for dishwasher

If you get to the point where your dishwasher is dirtier than your dishes, place a glass of white vinegar on the top compartment and a glass of baking soda at the bottom. Run it at high temperature and enjoy.

12 practical tips that all lazy people need to know about cleaning Home Hacks
Source: gainsur.com
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